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Netsuite SOAP Service

Before you begin

In order to use the features in this section you need to have an active Spojit account. If you don't have an account you can checkout out the pricing and register here. If you already have an account you can login here.

NetSuite is the leading integrated cloud business software suite, including business accounting, ERP, CRM and ecommerce software. This service can facilitate the extraction of resources within the Netsuite SOAP web service.


Full documentation of Netsuite resources and configuration is available in the Netsuite Help Center.

Netsuite Authorization

This service uses the Token Based Authentication (TBA) approach outlined in the Netsuite Help Center. The following authorization configuration needs to filled out in order to connect with Netsuite:

Option Description Default Required
Company URL The company endpoint for your Netsuite instance (i.e. https://**** - TRUE
Account ID Your account ID. - TRUE
Consumer Key A consumer key for your Netsuite instance. - TRUE
Consumer Secret A consumer secret for your Netsuite instance. - TRUE
Token ID A token ID for your Netsuite instance. - TRUE
Token Secret A token secret for your Netsuite instance. - TRUE

The following example configuration shows you how to configure the authorziation for Netsuite:

Netsuite Authorization Configuration

Get Entity

When the Get Entity configuration is selected the service will retrieve a resource from a given ID.

Option Description Default Required
Entity The name of the resource you want to retrieve. - TRUE
Entity ID The unique identifier of the resource that you want to retrieve. - TRUE
Example configuration and mapping

The following example shows you how to configure the Get Entity method to get data for a particular entity.

Netsuite Soap Get Entity Configuration

This method doesn't require any service data setup.

The call will return a single entity like the following:

    "data": {
        "readResponse": {
        "status": {
            "statusDetail": null,
            "isSuccess": false
        "record": {
            "createdDate": "2020-11-20T19:24:42.000-08:00",
            "customForm": null,
            "entity": {
                "internalId": "4324144",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "MacDonald Farms"
            "job": null,
            "currency": {
                "internalId": "1",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "AUD"
            "drAccount": null,
            "fxAccount": null,
            "tranDate": "2020-11-20T05:00:00.000-08:00",
            "tranId": "Service-order-ref-123",
            "entityTaxRegNum": null,
            "source": null,
            "createdFrom": null,
            "orderStatus": null,
            "nextBill": null,
            "opportunity": null,
            "salesRep": null,
            "contribPct": null,
            "partner": null,
            "salesGroup": null,
            "syncSalesTeams": null,
            "leadSource": null,
            "startDate": null,
            "endDate": null,
            "otherRefNum": "5434323422",
            "memo": "Service_order_ref_123",
            "salesEffectiveDate": null,
            "excludeCommission": null,
            "totalCostEstimate": 98.98,
            "estGrossProfit": 34.33,
            "estGrossProfitPercent": 43.44,
            "exchangeRate": 1,
            "promoCode": null,
            "currencyName": "AUD",
            "discountItem": null,
            "discountRate": null,
            "isTaxable": null,
            "taxItem": null,
            "taxRate": null,
            "toBePrinted": false,
            "toBeEmailed": false,
            "email": "",
            "toBeFaxed": null,
            "fax": null,
            "messageSel": null,
            "message": null,
            "paymentOption": null,
            "inputAuthCode": null,
            "inputReferenceCode": null,
            "checkNumber": null,
            "paymentCardCsc": null,
            "paymentProcessingProfile": null,
            "handlingMode": null,
            "outputAuthCode": null,
            "outputReferenceCode": null,
            "paymentOperation": null,
            "dynamicDescriptor": null,
            "billingAddress": {
                "internalId": "434234232",
                "country": "Australia",
                "attention": "Ronald MacDonald",
                "addressee": "",
                "addrPhone": "0444444444",
                "addr1": "123 Sample Street",
                "addr2": null,
                "addr3": null,
                "city": "Sydney",
                "state": "NSW",
                "zip": "2000",
                "override": true,
                "customFieldList": {
                    "customField": [

                "nullFieldList": null
            "billAddressList": null,
            "shippingAddress": {
                "internalId": "434234232",
                "country": "Australia",
                "attention": "Ronald MacDonald",
                "addressee": "",
                "addrPhone": "0444444444",
                "addr1": "123 Sample Street",
                "addr2": null,
                "addr3": null,
                "city": "Sydney",
                "state": "NSW",
                "zip": "2000",
                "override": true,
                "customFieldList": {
                    "customField": [

                "nullFieldList": null
            "shipIsResidential": false,
            "shipAddressList": null,
            "fob": null,
            "shipDate": null,
            "actualShipDate": null,
            "shipMethod": {
                "internalId": "3234",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "Express"
            "shippingCost": 0,
            "shippingTax1Rate": 10,
            "isMultiShipTo": null,
            "shippingTax2Rate": null,
            "shippingTaxCode": {
                "internalId": "3",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "GST:STD"
            "handlingTaxCode": null,
            "handlingTax1Rate": null,
            "handlingTax2Rate": null,
            "handlingCost": null,
            "trackingNumbers": null,
            "linkedTrackingNumbers": null,
            "shipComplete": null,
            "paymentMethod": {
                "internalId": "2",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "VISA"
            "shopperIpAddress": null,
            "saveOnAuthDecline": true,
            "canHaveStackable": false,
            "creditCard": null,
            "revenueStatus": null,
            "recognizedRevenue": null,
            "deferredRevenue": null,
            "revRecOnRevCommitment": null,
            "revCommitStatus": null,
            "ccNumber": "************4444",
            "ccExpireDate": "2023-02-01T00:00:00.000-08:00",
            "ccName": "Bob Somebody",
            "ccStreet": "123 Sample Street",
            "ccZipCode": "2000",
            "payPalStatus": null,
            "creditCardProcessor": {
                "internalId": "2",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "Credit Card"
            "payPalTranId": null,
            "ccApproved": null,
            "getAuth": null,
            "authCode": "43453",
            "ccAvsStreetMatch": null,
            "ccAvsZipMatch": null,
            "isRecurringPayment": false,
            "ccSecurityCodeMatch": null,
            "altSalesTotal": null,
            "ignoreAvs": null,
            "paymentEventResult": "_accept",
            "paymentEventHoldReason": null,
            "paymentEventType": "_captureAuthorization",
            "paymentEventDate": "2016-11-20T23:39:00.000-08:00",
            "paymentEventUpdatedBy": "",
            "subTotal": 45.33,
            "discountTotal": null,
            "taxTotal": 18.57,
            "altShippingCost": 0,
            "altHandlingCost": null,
            "total": 56.44,
            "revRecSchedule": null,
            "revRecStartDate": null,
            "revRecEndDate": null,
            "paypalAuthId": null,
            "balance": null,
            "paypalProcess": null,
            "billingSchedule": null,
            "ccSecurityCode": null,
            "threeDStatusCode": null,
            "class": null,
            "department": null,
            "subsidiary": {
                "internalId": "1",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "Example Company"
            "intercoTransaction": null,
            "intercoStatus": null,
            "debitCardIssueNo": null,
            "lastModifiedDate": "2021-03-31T16:24:30.000-07:00",
            "nexus": null,
            "subsidiaryTaxRegNum": null,
            "taxRegOverride": null,
            "taxPointDate": null,
            "taxDetailsOverride": null,
            "location": null,
            "pnRefNum": "54543543",
            "status": "Billed",
            "tax2Total": null,
            "terms": null,
            "validFrom": null,
            "vatRegNum": null,
            "giftCertApplied": null,
            "oneTime": null,
            "recurWeekly": null,
            "recurMonthly": null,
            "recurQuarterly": null,
            "recurAnnually": null,
            "tranIsVsoeBundle": null,
            "vsoeAutoCalc": null,
            "syncPartnerTeams": null,
            "salesTeamList": null,
            "partnersList": null,
            "giftCertRedemptionList": null,
            "promotionsList": null,
            "itemList": null,
            "shipGroupList": null,
            "accountingBookDetailList": null,
            "taxDetailsList": null,
            "customFieldList": {
                "customField": [
                    "value": false,
                    "internalId": "543",
                    "scriptId": "custbody5"
            "internalId": "4345453",
            "externalId": null,
            "nullFieldList": null
    "metadata": {
        "statusCode": "200",
        "headers": [


Search Entity

When the Search Entity configuration is selected the service will retrieve resources from a given set of search criteria.

Option Description Default Required
Entity The name of the resource you want to retrieve. - TRUE
Last Modified Date Search criteria based on the last time a resouce was modified (RFC 3339 (Y-m-d\TH:i:sP)). - FALSE
Limit The maximum number of the resources you want to retrieve at a given time. - TRUE
Example configuration and mapping

The following example shows you how to configure the Search Entity method to get data for a particular entity.

Netsuite Soap Search Entity Configuration

This method doesn't require any service data setup.

The call will return an array of enities like the following:

    "data": {
        "searchResult": {
        "status": {
            "statusDetail": null,
            "isSuccess": true
        "totalRecords": 45713,
        "pageSize": 1,
        "totalPages": 45713,
        "pageIndex": 1,
        "searchId": "WEBSERVICES_54352342_54353453453453_a798g76d672",
        "recordList": {
            "record": [
                "createdDate": "2020-11-20T19:24:42.000-08:00",
                "customForm": null,
                "entity": {
                "internalId": "4324144",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "MacDonald Farms"
                "job": null,
                "currency": {
                "internalId": "1",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "AUD"
                "drAccount": null,
                "fxAccount": null,
                "tranDate": "2020-11-20T05:00:00.000-08:00",
                "tranId": "Service-order-ref-123",
                "entityTaxRegNum": null,
                "source": null,
                "createdFrom": null,
                "orderStatus": null,
                "nextBill": null,
                "opportunity": null,
                "salesRep": null,
                "contribPct": null,
                "partner": null,
                "salesGroup": null,
                "syncSalesTeams": null,
                "leadSource": null,
                "startDate": null,
                "endDate": null,
                "otherRefNum": "5434323422",
                "memo": "Service_order_ref_123",
                "salesEffectiveDate": null,
                "excludeCommission": null,
                "totalCostEstimate": 98.98,
                "estGrossProfit": 34.33,
                "estGrossProfitPercent": 43.44,
                "exchangeRate": 1,
                "promoCode": null,
                "currencyName": "AUD",
                "discountItem": null,
                "discountRate": null,
                "isTaxable": null,
                "taxItem": null,
                "taxRate": null,
                "toBePrinted": false,
                "toBeEmailed": false,
                "email": "",
                "toBeFaxed": null,
                "fax": null,
                "messageSel": null,
                "message": null,
                "paymentOption": null,
                "inputAuthCode": null,
                "inputReferenceCode": null,
                "checkNumber": null,
                "paymentCardCsc": null,
                "paymentProcessingProfile": null,
                "handlingMode": null,
                "outputAuthCode": null,
                "outputReferenceCode": null,
                "paymentOperation": null,
                "dynamicDescriptor": null,
                "billingAddress": {
                "internalId": "434234232",
                "country": "Australia",
                "attention": "Ronald MacDonald",
                "addressee": "",
                "addrPhone": "0444444444",
                "addr1": "123 Sample Street",
                "addr2": null,
                "addr3": null,
                "city": "Sydney",
                "state": "NSW",
                "zip": "2000",
                "override": true,
                "customFieldList": {
                    "customField": [

                "nullFieldList": null
                "billAddressList": null,
                "shippingAddress": {
                "internalId": "434234232",
                "country": "Australia",
                "attention": "Ronald MacDonald",
                "addressee": "",
                "addrPhone": "0444444444",
                "addr1": "123 Sample Street",
                "addr2": null,
                "addr3": null,
                "city": "Sydney",
                "state": "NSW",
                "zip": "2000",
                "override": true,
                "customFieldList": {
                    "customField": [

                "nullFieldList": null
                "shipIsResidential": false,
                "shipAddressList": null,
                "fob": null,
                "shipDate": null,
                "actualShipDate": null,
                "shipMethod": {
                "internalId": "3234",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "Express"
                "shippingCost": 0,
                "shippingTax1Rate": 10,
                "isMultiShipTo": null,
                "shippingTax2Rate": null,
                "shippingTaxCode": {
                "internalId": "3",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "GST:STD"
                "handlingTaxCode": null,
                "handlingTax1Rate": null,
                "handlingTax2Rate": null,
                "handlingCost": null,
                "trackingNumbers": null,
                "linkedTrackingNumbers": null,
                "shipComplete": null,
                "paymentMethod": {
                "internalId": "2",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "VISA"
                "shopperIpAddress": null,
                "saveOnAuthDecline": true,
                "canHaveStackable": false,
                "creditCard": null,
                "revenueStatus": null,
                "recognizedRevenue": null,
                "deferredRevenue": null,
                "revRecOnRevCommitment": null,
                "revCommitStatus": null,
                "ccNumber": "************4444",
                "ccExpireDate": "2023-02-01T00:00:00.000-08:00",
                "ccName": "Bob Somebody",
                "ccStreet": "123 Sample Street",
                "ccZipCode": "2000",
                "payPalStatus": null,
                "creditCardProcessor": {
                "internalId": "2",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "Credit Card"
                "payPalTranId": null,
                "ccApproved": null,
                "getAuth": null,
                "authCode": "43453",
                "ccAvsStreetMatch": null,
                "ccAvsZipMatch": null,
                "isRecurringPayment": false,
                "ccSecurityCodeMatch": null,
                "altSalesTotal": null,
                "ignoreAvs": null,
                "paymentEventResult": "_accept",
                "paymentEventHoldReason": null,
                "paymentEventType": "_captureAuthorization",
                "paymentEventDate": "2016-11-20T23:39:00.000-08:00",
                "paymentEventUpdatedBy": "",
                "subTotal": 45.33,
                "discountTotal": null,
                "taxTotal": 18.57,
                "altShippingCost": 0,
                "altHandlingCost": null,
                "total": 56.44,
                "revRecSchedule": null,
                "revRecStartDate": null,
                "revRecEndDate": null,
                "paypalAuthId": null,
                "balance": null,
                "paypalProcess": null,
                "billingSchedule": null,
                "ccSecurityCode": null,
                "threeDStatusCode": null,
                "class": null,
                "department": null,
                "subsidiary": {
                "internalId": "1",
                "externalId": null,
                "type": null,
                "name": "Example Company"
                "intercoTransaction": null,
                "intercoStatus": null,
                "debitCardIssueNo": null,
                "lastModifiedDate": "2021-03-31T16:24:30.000-07:00",
                "nexus": null,
                "subsidiaryTaxRegNum": null,
                "taxRegOverride": null,
                "taxPointDate": null,
                "taxDetailsOverride": null,
                "location": null,
                "pnRefNum": "54543543",
                "status": "Billed",
                "tax2Total": null,
                "terms": null,
                "validFrom": null,
                "vatRegNum": null,
                "giftCertApplied": null,
                "oneTime": null,
                "recurWeekly": null,
                "recurMonthly": null,
                "recurQuarterly": null,
                "recurAnnually": null,
                "tranIsVsoeBundle": null,
                "vsoeAutoCalc": null,
                "syncPartnerTeams": null,
                "salesTeamList": null,
                "partnersList": null,
                "giftCertRedemptionList": null,
                "promotionsList": null,
                "itemList": null,
                "shipGroupList": null,
                "accountingBookDetailList": null,
                "taxDetailsList": null,
                "customFieldList": {
                "customField": [
                    "value": false,
                    "internalId": "543",
                    "scriptId": "custbody5"
                "internalId": "4345453",
                "externalId": null,
                "nullFieldList": null
        "searchRowList": null
    "metadata": {
        "statusCode": "200",
        "headers": [

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